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What to Look For During Existing Home Inspection

An adequate existing home inspection will save you from costly repairs or litigation and from the physical and mental stress of coping with problems you did not directly cause. If you are immediately drawn to a certain existing house, it is best that you look around first and find out if the house has major defects.

Your Own Existing Home Inspection

1. Look for structural defects.

There are structural flaws if you see cracks on the concrete floor, slabs, foundations, sidings and brickwork. Check if the beams are bent and if the windows and doors are not aligned with the frames. Examine further if the floor seems to be slanting. Check for patches that show previous repairs. Keep in mind that structural defects are the most costly and most difficult to repair.

2. Find out signs of moisture problems.

Look for stains on the walls, ceilings, basement floors and crawlspaces. Check if there are off-white powdery deposits in concrete and masonry work. These deposits indicate the house has water seepage problems.

3. Check for drainage problems.

Check if the house has at least four inches of foundation extending out above the ground. Check that the grounds around the house are not sloping towards the house. Raised grounds and plant beds can entrap water against the house.

Choose the Best Licensed Home Inspector

When you think that the house satisfies your standards and wants, the next best thing to do is to hire the best certified home inspector that you can afford.

  • Call for information from the American Society of Home Inspectors or ASHI. Among inspection associations in the country, this association requires its applicants the strictest qualifications.
  • Hire a licensed inspector with years of experience in home inspection and who makes efforts to improve his skills with continuing education.
  • Ask the home inspector to show you his professional liability insurance documents. Check that the insurance is updated and that it covers errors and omissions for a relatively adequate amount.

Getting the best and most adequate home inspection will assure you satisfying years of home ownership and good quality of life.